Friday, April 26, 2013

Spring Time Science

I love Spring! There is just so much that we can do with school now. This week we introduced the scientific method. I let Madison determine the problem. She wanted to find out how many days it takes for different seeds to sprout. So here's our experiment using the scientific method.

Her Question/The Problem: How many days does it take for different seeds to sprout?

Her Hypothesis: The seeds will grow at different times.

Our Variables: seeds (cucumbers, peppers, cantaloupe, carrots), water, sun and soil

Testing the Hypothesis: Planted seeds in an egg carton

Collecting Data:

Conclusion to come:

I love this because it doesn't take a lot of time from the 3 Rs but she/they are learning about science inquiry and process skills through applying the scientific method. Springtime allows for so much more of these type of activities.

We studied parts of the plant and drew a diagram.

  Here is a silly school song by my husband, kids and me that fits springtime science learning just right: The Life Cycle of a Butterfly.

Thanks for reading!
Linking up here.

Are you doing any Springtime Science? Leave a comment and a link to your blog so we can check it. out!


  1. Lots of learning going on there STeph! Love it! Found you over at mary's Homegrown Learners!

    1. I love Homegrown Learners and thank you for stopping by Melissa!

  2. love the seeds in the egg carton activity, I'd love if you would come share this on our #kidsinthekitchen linky

  3. whoops, here's the link

  4. Awesome! Gardening Science should be something that every one does at some point!

  5. We've been learning about seeds too! Thank you for sharing at Friendship Friday! Please keep coming every week! And now I'm going to check out the rest of your lovely blog!

    1. Thank you Sylvia. Friendship Friday just sounded like a great place to link up! :)

  6. That's neat! My daughter is really interested in Robins, and she made a lapbook about them over the past two weeks. I just have one picture of the lapbook in my Friday collage post from yesterday, but I'll be posting more about the lapbook this coming week! :-)

    1. I look forward to seeing more of your pics. Thanks for visiting. Isn't it great to be able to focus in on something that they are totally interested in? What a great way to build on that interest, creating a lap book. Great way to use that.

  7. Replies
    1. You've said it...its so much fun and so much to learn...thanks for stopping in.

  8. Oh I love it. We'll have to try that in the fall when our next planting season comes to our desert home! I love the idea of tracking the hypothesis in a notebook.

    1. Wow! I visited your site and I love your desert lifestyle! Of course I've never thought of it for myself but it looks amazing! I am excited to look around your blog more! Thanks for stopping by mommytheteacher

  9. This is such a great post. I would like to invite you to link up this post to my Money Saving Monday Link Up so others can find this great idea. Please stop by and link up.

    I hope to see you,
    Thank you,

    1. Hey there Stephanie!

      Thanks for the invite. I'll be sure to do it and tweet about it so others can find you!!


  10. We've been having a lot of fun with our gardening activities this year. I love the idea of using an egg carton to start seeds!

    1. Yes, its been fun for her to check it everyday and record her data. Thanks for commenting! I'm hopping over to your blog now!


  11. I just started a Spring Unit Study, so this would be perfect! Thank you for sharing :)


  12. Thanks for linking to Look What We Did. I have featured you today in a unit study.

  13. What a wonderful lesson!! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!

  14. What a great idea for a learning experience!! Pinning it for future reference! Thanks for sharing it with us at Eco-Kids Tuesday!! Hope to see you again today!

  15. I love that idea to plant seeds in an egg carton! We haven't done that before. Thanks for sharing @ Tender Moments!

  16. Another fun idea is to grow a pet TickleMe Plant and watch how the leaves fold and the branches fall down when you Tickle It!


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